Pondering a Mind-FULL 2025

The crescendo of another holiday season now passes. The shortened, dark days leading to Winter Solstice have made their eternal turn to more light, day by day.

As I write, the skies are cloudy and dreary, Florida sunshine seems to be evading. The weather appears to set the mood for this challenging time between Christmas and New Years is marked by its liminal space and transition.

With parties and lights taking their pause in anticipation of ringing in the 2025 New Year, what do we do in this odd time?

Mindfulness meditation expert, Jon Kabat-Zinn stated where you are right now is just where you need to be. But is it really? A good question to ponder.

Our go-go-go society scoffs at sitting still. However, when we can take a pause on purpose in this moment without judgment, what is really going on?

At first, there could be a restlessness. You may say, “boring” and “I need to… fill-in-the-blank.” But, if we really sit and observe the in-and-out flow of the breath, we may be able to accept the actuality of what is.

Simple, everyday life observations become magnified in these moments of awareness. Listen, the washing machine clicks and rolls. Look, the Christmas bubble lights bubble and flow. Notice, the smell of the pine lingers, and spiny needles fall below.

In fact, that dreary sky outside is still teeming with life. The cedar sways in the breeze. A black and white cat pounces from a thick of bushes. Cardinals swoop to feeders below.

So, where is it with my soul right now? Is it possible there’s more going right than wrong in this very moment? Do I notice the soft cushion supporting me from my sofa-view? Does the coffee warm and invigorate? Can I see the rise and fall of the chest with each breath?

Awareness and being mindful is more art than science. It’s a way of being. My hope is this time may serve as an invitation to live more mind-fully in 2025 (rather than mind-less) and to embrace a moment-to-moment awareness of all the good already there.   

Are you seeking rest and renewal in 2025? Mindful artmaking can help you connect to insights for healing. The presence of an art therapist can guide you safely and ask the questions so you can gain your own learning. Feel free to reach out for a free consult.

You can also learn more about the work I do on the Meet Andrea page.

Wishing a mind-FULL 2025,

Andrea Sutrick, ATR-BC, LMHC


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Connecting Light to Human Existence